whats the formula for area of a triangle pyramid?

I agree it is distracting. Now with my radio tool bar telling me if I have a new message, I may delete the Gmail lister from igoogle.

The area is the area of the base triangle + the area of the three sides.

You did not say if all three sides (or indeed all 4 sides) are the same, so that is about all I can say.

To find the area of a triangular pyramid, you need to determine the base area and the lateral area separately and then add them together.

1. Base Area:
The base area of the triangular pyramid depends on the shape of the base. If the base is an equilateral triangle, you can use the formula A = (s^2 * √3) / 4, where A is the base area and s is the length of one side of the equilateral triangle.

2. Lateral Area:
To calculate the lateral area of a triangular pyramid, you need to find the sum of the areas of the triangular faces. Each triangular face of the pyramid can be considered as a right triangle. The formula to find the area of a right triangle is A = (1/2) * base * height. For a triangular pyramid, the base of each face is one side of the equilateral triangle base, and the height is the height of the pyramid.

Once you have calculated the base area and lateral area, you can simply add them together to obtain the total surface area of the triangular pyramid.

Remember to use consistent unit measurements when plugging values into the formulas.