You write 5 1⁄2 pages of a report in 2 1/3 hours. What is the average number of pages you

write per hour?

mrs sue ur kinda dum this is an app for kids and other teens to find a promblem during their homwork

A hamburger stand sells hamburgers for $3.87. In one day, the stand made $433.44. How

many hamburgers were sold?

1) Use a proportion. Cross multiply and solve for x.

(5 1/2)/(2 1/3) = x/1
(2 1/3)x = 5 1/2
x = (11/2)/ (7/3)
x = (11/2) * (3/7)
x = 33/14 = 2.357 pages

2) You have two numbers. Do you think you should

What answer did you get?

You would need to divide number 2 so I would say the end result is 112 hamburgers were sold.


To find the average number of pages written per hour, you need to divide the total number of pages written (5 ½) by the total time taken in hours (2 1/3).

First, let's convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions:
5 ½ = 5 + 1/2 = 10/2 + 1/2 = 11/2
2 1/3 = 2 + 1/3 = 6/3 + 1/3 = 7/3

Now, we can divide the total pages by the total time:
Average pages per hour = (11/2) / (7/3)

To divide fractions, we multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction:
Average pages per hour = (11/2) * (3/7)

Multiplying across gives us:
Average pages per hour = (11 * 3) / (2 * 7)
Average pages per hour = 33/14

Therefore, the average number of pages written per hour is 33/14.

Raylyn -- didn't you think that Samuel was smart enough to figure out that problem himself?