// This program counts how many sales are made

// in each of five categories of products
num category
num SIZE = 5
num QUIT = 9
num sales[SIZE] = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
string HEAD1 = "Sales"
string HEAD2 = "Category Number of Sales"
output "Enter category ", QUIT, " to quit "
input category
while category = QUIT
if category > 1 AND category < SIZE then
sales[category - 1] = sales[category - 1] + 1
output "Invalid category"
output HEAD1
output HEAD2
while category < SIZE
output category + 1, sales[category]
category = category + 1

This homework is a Find the Bug with Array logic. (There are about 4 errors)


num category
num SIZE = 5
num QUIT = 9
num sales[SIZE] = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
string HEAD1 = "Sales"
string HEAD2 = "Category Number of Sales"
output "Enter category ", QUIT, " to quit "
input category
while category != QUIT
if category > 0 AND category <= SIZE then
sales[category - 1] = sales[category - 1] + 1
output "Invalid category"
output "Enter category ", QUIT, " to quit "
input category
output HEAD1
output HEAD2
for category = 0 to SIZE-1
output category + 1, sales[category]

Well, well, well, it looks like we have a bug hunt on our hands. Don't worry, I'm here to help you track down those little critters. Let's start our search, shall we?

Bug #1: In line 6, it seems that the initial values of the "sales" array are all set to 0. However, there should be a comma-separated list of initial values for each element of the array. For example, instead of "0, 0, 0, 0, 0," it should be "0, 0, 0, 0, 0".

Bug #2: Ah, line 15 seems to have a little mistake. Instead of checking if "category = QUIT," it should be checking if "category != QUIT" to continue the loop when the category is not equal to the quit value.

Bug #3: Oh, look at that! Line 16 seems to have a small typo. It says "AND" instead of "&&" to check for both conditions. So instead of "if category > 1 AND category < SIZE then," it should be "if category > 1 && category < SIZE then".

Bug #4: Last but not least, we have a sneaky error in line 25. The while loop should be checking if "category <= SIZE" instead of "< SIZE" to ensure that it includes the last category as well.

And there you have it! Four bugs caught in the act. Now you can squash them and let your program run smoothly.

Step 1: Start by analyzing the code line by line.

num category
num SIZE = 5
num QUIT = 9
num sales[SIZE] = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
string HEAD1 = "Sales"
string HEAD2 = "Category Number of Sales"
output "Enter category ", QUIT, " to quit "
input category

The program starts by declaring variables and initializing them. The variable 'SIZE' is set to 5, 'QUIT' is set to 9, and 'sales' is an array of size 5, initialized with all elements set to 0. The strings 'HEAD1' and 'HEAD2' are also declared. The program then asks the user to input a category.

Step 2: Move on to the next part of the code.

while category = QUIT
if category > 1 AND category < SIZE then
sales[category - 1] = sales[category - 1] + 1
output "Invalid category"

There is a logical error in the while loop condition. The condition 'category = QUIT' should be replaced with 'category <> QUIT' to ensure that the loop runs until 'category' is not equal to 'QUIT'. Inside the loop, it checks whether the 'category' is greater than 1 and less than 'SIZE'. If it is, it increments the corresponding element in the 'sales' array. Otherwise, it outputs "Invalid category".

Step 3: Continue with the next part of the code.

output HEAD1
output HEAD2
while category < SIZE
output category + 1, sales[category]
category = category + 1

The program outputs the values of 'HEAD1' and 'HEAD2'. Then, it enters a new while loop where 'category' is compared to 'SIZE'. However, there are a couple of issues with this section. Firstly, 'category' is not initialized before this loop, so it might lead to unexpected behavior. Secondly, the loop should iterate while 'category' is less than or equal to 'SIZE' (category <= SIZE), not just less than 'SIZE'.

Step 4: Analyze the final part of the code.


The program stops execution.

Step 5: Now let's summarize the bugs found in the code:

1. Logical error in the while loop condition: Replace 'category = QUIT' with 'category <> QUIT' to fix it.
2. Issue with the while loop condition: Change 'category < SIZE' to 'category <= SIZE' to fix it.
3. Variable 'category' is not initialized before the second while loop: Add initialization before the loop.
4. Possible mistake in line 'output category + 1, sales[category]': It is unclear what the desired output format is, so it needs clarification.

Please note that the steps provided above are for analyzing the code and finding potential issues. The specific corrections required may depend on the desired functionality and the programming language being used.

To find the bugs in the given code, we need to analyze each block and identify potential issues. Let's go through the code step by step:

1. Declarations:
- There doesn't seem to be any syntactical errors in the declarations block. However, the array `sales` is initialized with all elements set to 0.

2. Input and While Loop:
- The program prompts the user to enter a category number and assigns it to the variable `category`.
- The while loop checks if `category` is equal to `QUIT` (9). If it is, the loop terminates. However, the condition in the while loop is incorrect.
- The condition should be `while category != QUIT` instead of `while category = QUIT`.
- Inside the loop, there is an if-else statement that checks if `category` is greater than 1 and less than `SIZE`. If it is, the corresponding element in the `sales` array is incremented by 1.
- However, there is no else block defined, so if the `category` is not within the valid range, there will be no output or indication of an error.
- To fix this, we need to add an else block to display an error message.

3. Output Block:
- After the while loop terminates, the code tries to output `HEAD1` and `HEAD2`. However, these variables have not been declared or initialized in the code.
- To fix this, we need to declare and initialize the `HEAD1` and `HEAD2` variables.

4. Final While Loop:
- The final while loop is meant to output the category number and the corresponding number of sales.
- However, the loop condition should be `while category <= SIZE`, not `< SIZE`.
- Additionally, inside the loop, the program should be outputting the category number along with the corresponding sales value.

To summarize, here are the fixes needed in the code:

- Change the while loop condition in the input block to `while category != QUIT`.
- Add an else block inside the input block to display an error message for invalid categories.
- Declare and initialize the `HEAD1` and `HEAD2` variables with appropriate values.
- Change the final while loop condition in the output block to `while category <= SIZE`.
- Output the category number along with the `sales[category]` value in the final while loop.

After making these changes, the code will be corrected and will properly count the number of sales in each category.