You are dead. In a room with two doors. One leads to heaven. One leads to Hell. Infront of each door stands a man. One man tells only the truth. The other only tells lies. You have one question to ask one of the men. What would that question be and to which man?

I answered this last night for you!!

To determine the correct door, you have the opportunity to ask only one question to one of the men. Since one man always tells the truth and the other always lies, you can optimize your chances of finding the correct door by asking a question that will help you differentiate between them.

A commonly used question in such situations is: "If I were to ask the other man which door leads to heaven, what would he say?"

Now, let's analyze how this question would work. There are two scenarios:

1. If you asked the truthful man: He would answer truthfully and tell you the door that leads to heaven.

2. If you asked the lying man: Since the lying man always lies, he would still give you the wrong answer, indicating the door to hell.

In either case, you will receive information about the door that leads to hell. Therefore, you should choose the opposite door from the one stated in the response to your question.