30 coins consisting of nickels and dimes are worth $2.40. How many of each kind are there?

number of nickels --- x

number of dimes ---- 30-x

5x + 10(30-x) = 240

Step 1: Let's assume the number of nickels as 'x' and the number of dimes as 'y'.

Step 2: The value of 'x' nickels is 5x cents.

Step 3: The value of 'y' dimes is 10y cents.

Step 4: According to the problem, the value of 30 coins in cents is 240 cents.

Step 5: Writing this equation by combining the values of nickels and dimes, we have:
5x + 10y = 240.

Step 6: We also know that the total number of coins is 30, so we can express this as another equation:
x + y = 30.

Now we have a system of two equations:
5x + 10y = 240,
x + y = 30.

We can solve this system of equations by substitution or elimination method.

Using the substitution method:

Step 7: Solve the second equation for 'x', which gives us:
x = 30 - y.

Step 8: Substitute the value of 'x' in the first equation:
5(30 - y) + 10y = 240.

Step 9: Simplify and solve for 'y':
150 - 5y + 10y = 240,
5y = 240 - 150,
5y = 90,
y = 90/5,
y = 18.

Step 10: Now, substitute the value of 'y' back into the second equation to find 'x':
x + 18 = 30,
x = 30 - 18,
x = 12.

Therefore, there are 12 nickels and 18 dimes.

To solve this problem, we can create a system of equations.

Let's represent the number of nickels as 'n' and the number of dimes as 'd.'

We are given two pieces of information:

1) There are a total of 30 coins: n + d = 30

2) The total value of the coins is $2.40: 0.05n + 0.10d = 2.40

Now, we can solve this system of equations using different methods, such as substitution or elimination.

Let's solve it using the substitution method:

Step 1: Solve the first equation for n in terms of d:
n = 30 - d

Step 2: Substitute the value of n in the second equation:
0.05(30 - d) + 0.10d = 2.40

Step 3: Simplify and solve for d:
1.50 - 0.05d + 0.10d = 2.40
0.05d = 2.40 - 1.50
0.05d = 0.90
d = 0.90 / 0.05
d = 18

Step 4: Substitute the value of d back into the first equation to find n:
n + 18 = 30
n = 12

Therefore, there are 12 nickels and 18 dimes in the given 30 coins.