Write an expression for each conversion.

A cupcake shop sells an average of 14 dozen cupcakes a day to about 50 customers. What is their average sales rate in cupcakes per customer?

14 * 12 = 168 cupcakes

168 / 50 = _______ average per customer

To find the average sales rate in cupcakes per customer, we need to divide the total number of cupcakes sold by the total number of customers.

Step 1: Find the total number of cupcakes sold
The average number of cupcakes sold is given as 14 dozen cupcakes per day. Since a dozen is equal to 12, we multiply 14 by 12 to convert from dozen to individual cupcakes:
14 dozen cupcakes * 12 cupcakes/dozen = 168 cupcakes

So, the total number of cupcakes sold is 168 cupcakes.

Step 2: Find the total number of customers
The problem states that there are about 50 customers on average.

Step 3: Find the average sales rate per customer
Divide the total number of cupcakes sold by the total number of customers:
168 cupcakes / 50 customers = 3.36 cupcakes per customer

Therefore, their average sales rate is approximately 3.36 cupcakes per customer.