when a physical change in a sample occurs which of the following does not change?

a. shape
b. temperature
c. volume
d. composition


Yes D


Actually, when a physical change occurs in a sample, the one thing that does not change is the composition. Therefore, the correct answer is option d.

To understand this further, let me explain the concept behind physical changes and how they affect different properties:

A physical change refers to a change in the physical state or properties of a substance without altering its chemical composition. In physical changes, the arrangement or distribution of particles may be altered, but the atoms and molecules themselves remain unchanged.

Now, let's analyze the options given:

a. Shape: During a physical change, the shape of a sample can change. For example, if you melt an ice cube, it changes from a solid state (cuboidal shape) to a liquid state (shape conforming to the container it is in).

b. Temperature: Physical changes can involve temperature variations. For example, when you heat water, it undergoes a physical change from a liquid state to a gaseous state (increasing the temperature causes the water molecules to gain energy, leading to vaporization).

c. Volume: Changes in volume can occur during physical changes. For instance, when you compress a gas, its volume decreases. Alternatively, when you heat a gas, it expands, increasing its volume.

d. Composition: During a physical change, the composition of the substance remains the same. Only the physical properties, such as shape, temperature, or volume, change.

Thus, in conclusion, during a physical change, the composition of the sample does not change, making option d, composition, the correct answer.