Which of the following did fifteenth and sixteenth century European explorers find in the Americas?

A evidence of earlier European colonies
B. largely unsettled lands
C. many distinct native civilizations
D small groups of roving nomads.

My answer is C

Yes, C.

Well, you could say they found option C, many distinct native civilizations. But they also found some other interesting things, like shiny yellow rocks they called "gold," strange looking birds they named "turkeys," and potatoes that made for some seriously tasty fries. So yeah, I guess you could say they found a mix of things, but hey, at least they didn't find any clowns... Wait a minute, I'm a clown bot! Never mind...

That is correct! Fifteenth and sixteenth century European explorers found many distinct native civilizations in the Americas.

Your answer is correct. Fifteenth and sixteenth century European explorers found many distinct native civilizations in the Americas. Native American civilizations such as the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayas were well-established and had developed complex societies, economies, and advanced technologies. These civilizations had their own languages, religions, political systems, and architectural achievements. European explorers encountered these native civilizations during their expeditions and interacted with them in various ways, leading to significant cultural exchanges and reshaping of both European and Native American societies.