A religious group that is at odds with the dominant religion and culture and is usually headed by a charismatic leader is a

A. cult
B. cell
C. ward
D. sect

My answer is A

Yes. The key is the charismatic leader who is, often, more important that any beliefs or belief system.

i love u reed :')

You are correct! A religious group that is at odds with the dominant religion and culture and is usually headed by a charismatic leader is commonly referred to as a cult.

To arrive at this answer, it's helpful to have a basic understanding of the definitions of the given options:

A. Cult: A religious or social group with unorthodox beliefs, practices, and rituals, typically headed by a charismatic leader or figure.
B. Cell: In this context, it does not refer to a religious group but rather to a small organizational unit or compartment.
C. Ward: Typically a term used in political or administrative contexts, it does not pertain to religious groups conflicting with the dominant religion and culture.
D. Sect: A subgroup within a religious denomination or a distinct religious group that differs in certain beliefs or practices from mainstream religion.

By considering these definitions, you can deduce that the most appropriate answer for the question is A. cult. Well done!