Jews, Christians, and Muslims all believe in one God who, as creator of the universe, is concerned about each individual's action and will hold each individual accountable for them. In this sense, Jews, Christians, and Muslims all share the same

A. beliefs
B. religion
C. mythology
D. rituals

My answer is C

Nope. Look up the word "mythology".


Actually, the correct answer is A. beliefs.

While it is true that Jews, Christians, and Muslims share some religious rituals and practices, the statement in the question is specifically referring to the belief in one God who is concerned about each individual's actions and holds them accountable. This belief in a singular, monotheistic God who is concerned with individual morality and judgment is a core tenet shared by Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

To arrive at this answer, it is important to analyze the key points in the statement and compare them to the distinguishing characteristics of each option:

- Option A: Beliefs - This option correctly aligns with the statement in question. It describes the shared belief in one God who holds individuals accountable for their actions.
- Option B: Religion - While Jews, Christians, and Muslims do have distinct religious traditions and practices, this option is too broad to capture the specific shared belief mentioned in the statement.
- Option C: Mythology - This option refers to the collection of myths or traditional stories that explain a culture's history, customs, or beliefs. While there are certainly specific religious myths and stories within each of these faiths, the belief in one God who holds each individual accountable moves beyond purely mythological elements.
- Option D: Rituals - While Jews, Christians, and Muslims do share some religious rituals and practices, the belief in one God who holds individuals accountable is a more foundational aspect of their belief systems than their specific rituals.

By ruling out options B, C, and D, we can conclude that the correct answer is A. beliefs.