Needing help with the formula to be able to prove these answers to be correct. What are the steps ?

Moesha's is ( 3G + 1 ) years old and Shanti is twice Moesha's age.

A ) Find the sum of the ages of Moesha's and Shanti in2 years time.

The sum of their ages is ( 9g + 7 ) year in 2 years time.

B) How old will Shanti be when Moesha's age is twice her present age?

Shanti will be ( 9g + 3 ) years old

C) Find how old Moesha's and Shanti we're 4 years ago if g = 5

Moesha's = 12 years old Shanti = 28 years old.

Thank you :)

Right now:

Moesha is (3G+1) years old.
Shanti is 2(3G+1) or (6G+2).

A. Sum = ((3G+1)+2) + ((6G+2)+2) = (9G+7) Years.

B. Diff. = (6G+2) - (3G+1) = (3G+1).
Shanti = (6G+2) + (3G+1) = (9G+3) Years old.

C. Moesha = (3G+1)-4 = (3*5+1)-4 = 12 years old.
Shanti = (6G+2)-4 = ?.

To prove these answers to be correct, we can follow the given steps:

A) Find the sum of the ages of Moesha's and Shanti in 2 years time.
Step 1: Moesha's age = (3G + 1)
Step 2: Shanti's age = 2 * Moesha's age = 2 * (3G + 1)
Step 3: Sum of their ages in 2 years time = Moesha's age in 2 years + Shanti's age in 2 years
= (3G + 1) + 2 * (3G + 1)
= 3G + 1 + 6G + 2
= 9G + 3

Therefore, the sum of their ages is (9G + 3) in 2 years time.

B) How old will Shanti be when Moesha's age is twice her present age?
Step 1: Moesha's age = (3G + 1)
Step 2: Shanti's present age = 2 * Moesha's age = 2 * (3G + 1)
Step 3: Moesha's age when it is twice Shanti's present age: 2 * Shanti's present age = 2 * (2 * (3G + 1))
= 2 * (6G + 2)
= 12G + 4
Step 4: Shanti's age at that time = Shanti's present age + Moesha's age growth
= 2 * (3G + 1) + 2G
= 6G + 2 + 2G
= 8G + 2

Therefore, Shanti will be (8G + 2) years old when Moesha's age is twice her present age.

C) Find how old Moesha's and Shanti were 4 years ago if g = 5.
Step 1: Moesha's age 4 years ago = Moesha's present age - 4
Step 2: Shanti's age 4 years ago = Shanti's present age - 4

Given that g = 5, we can find the values of Moesha's and Shanti's ages 4 years ago as follows:
Moesha's age 4 years ago = (3 * 5 + 1) - 4 = 15 - 4 = 12 years old
Shanti's age 4 years ago = 2 * (3 * 5 + 1) - 4 = 2 * 15 - 4 = 30 - 4 = 26 years old

Therefore, Moesha's age 4 years ago was 12 years old and Shanti's age 4 years ago was 26 years old.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

To prove these answers using the given formula, you need to follow a few steps:

Step 1: Understand the given information.
Moesha's age is represented by the expression (3G + 1), where G is a variable representing a specific value.
Shanti's age is twice Moesha's age, so Shanti's age can be represented as 2 times (3G + 1), which simplifies to (6G + 2).

Step 2: Substitute the value of G into the expressions.
In this case, G = 5 (as given). So substitute G = 5 in the expressions for Moesha's and Shanti's ages:
Moesha's age: (3G + 1) = (3 * 5 + 1) = 15 + 1 = 16 years old
Shanti's age: (6G + 2) = (6 * 5 + 2) = 30 + 2 = 32 years old

Step 3: Solve for the given conditions using the formulas.
A) Find the sum of their ages in 2 years time:
For both Moesha and Shanti, add 2 years to their current ages:
Moesha's age in 2 years: 16 + 2 = 18 years
Shanti's age in 2 years: 32 + 2 = 34 years
The sum of their ages in 2 years time is 18 + 34 = 52 years.

B) Find Shanti's age when Moesha's age is twice her current age:
Set up an equation where Moesha's age is twice Shanti's current age:
2 * (3G + 1) = (6G + 2)
Simplify the equation:
6G + 2 = 6G + 2
The equation is true for any value of G. Hence, there is no specific age for Shanti when Moesha's age is twice her current age.

C) Find Moesha's and Shanti's ages 4 years ago:
To find their ages 4 years ago, subtract 4 from their current ages:
Moesha's age 4 years ago: 16 - 4 = 12 years
Shanti's age 4 years ago: 32 - 4 = 28 years

By following these steps and plugging in the given values, you can prove that the answers provided are correct.