what is an affix ....is it the ending added to a root word

answers for this quick check

1. C (a word part added before or after a root word)
2. C (a root)
3. C (moves by itself)
4. C (at the end of the root word)
i hope these are correct for you guys since i got a 100% quick check

Monke is right! I got a 100%

From Dictionary.com:

"6. Grammar. a bound inflectional or derivational element, as a prefix, infix, or suffix, added to a base or stem to form a fresh stem or a word, as -ed added to want to form wanted, or im- added to possible to form impossible."

Prefixes are at the beginnings of words.

Suffixes are at the endings of words.

See the noun definition here. It could be either a suffix or a prefix.

Lair monke is lying 🤥

People gonna get a total 0% if u trust him

Hopping on this form post from 2009 haha.

These are the answers according to my program (for the Using Affixes and Roots Quick Check), and should be accurate. However, be sure to use your own critical thinking to come to a conclusion on answers.

1-which of the following is the definition of the word prefix?
an affix added at the beginning of a word root

2-which of the following is a word root?
a basic word part that often comes from Greek or Latin

3- Which of the following is the meaning of the prefix inter?

4-Which of the following is a basic word part that comes from another language?

5-What does the Latin root -fac- mean?
to make

~the local furry