What's the answer to Algebra With Pizzazz B-50, Page 60???

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To determine the answer to Algebra With Pizzazz B-50, Page 60, you will need access to the specific resource or textbook. Algebra With Pizzazz is a series of workbooks published by Creative Publications, and each workbook contains a variety of math problems and puzzles.

To find the answer to B-50 on Page 60, you need the specific workbook and page number mentioned. Algebra With Pizzazz workbooks are commonly used in classrooms, so you may be able to find a physical copy in your school's math department or local library. Additionally, some online platforms offer digital versions of these workbooks, which can be accessed through a subscription or online educational resources.

Once you have located the workbook and turned to Page 60, look for problem B-50. The problem statement should provide the necessary information and prompt you to solve for a particular value or perform a specific algebraic manipulation. Following the instructions given in the problem, apply your algebraic skills to arrive at the correct answer.

Please note that without the specific problem statement and information from the workbook, I cannot provide you with the exact answer or guide you through the steps. It is crucial to have the original source material to solve problems from Algebra With Pizzazz.