Can someone please check my answers, it would be really helpful. Thanks to everyone that does!


1.2y(to the power of 2)+1.2z**


7x(to the power of 2)+12


Thanks to everyone that helped, I know its not organized very well, but i tried. I was a little confused on number 5, so if someone could help me with that, then i thank them a lot. Thanks to all of you!

1. disagree

2. Online "^" is used to indicate an exponent, e.g., x^2 = x squared. From your data, I would say none, 2.2y + 1.2z

3. disagree

4. disagree

5. What is your choice?

To check your answers, I will go through each question and explain the steps to arrive at the correct answer.

1: 3w - 10w

To simplify this expression, we need to combine the like terms. Like terms are terms that have the same variable and the same exponent. In this case, both terms have the variable "w" raised to the power of 1.

3w - 10w can be rewritten as (3 - 10)w = -7w

The correct answer is -7w.

2: y + 1.2y + 1.2z

Again, we need to combine the like terms. In this case, we have two terms with the variable "y" raised to the power of 1, and one term with the variable "z" raised to the power of 1.

y + 1.2y + 1.2z can be rewritten as (1 + 1.2)y + 1.2z = 2.2y + 1.2z

The correct answer is 2.2y + 1.2z.

3: 6r + r - 5r

We have three terms here, and they all have the variable "r" raised to the power of 1.

6r + r - 5r can be rewritten as (6 + 1 - 5)r = 2r

The correct answer is 2r.

4: 5x + 2(x + 6)

We need to apply the distributive property to simplify this expression. The distributive property states that for any real numbers a, b, and c, a(b + c) = ab + ac.

In this case, we have 2(x + 6), which means we need to distribute the 2 to both terms inside the parentheses.

2(x + 6) can be rewritten as 2x + 2(6) = 2x + 12

Now we can combine like terms:

5x + 2x + 12 can be rewritten as (5 + 2)x + 12 = 7x + 12

The correct answer is 7x + 12.

5: -3m + 3(m + 6)

Similar to the previous question, we need to apply the distributive property here as well.

3(m + 6) can be rewritten as 3m + 3(6) = 3m + 18

Now we can combine like terms:

-3m + 3m + 18 can be rewritten as -3m + 3m + 18 = 18

The correct answer is 18.

I hope this explanation helps you check your answers and understand the steps to simplify these expressions.