As a unit of account, money provides _____________.

a manner of preserving wealth into the future
intrinsic value
a double coincidence of wants
a standard way to measure value of goods and services

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As a unit of account, money provides a standard way to measure the value of goods and services. It acts as a common denominator that allows individuals and businesses to compare the worth of different items in terms of their monetary value. This enables people to make informed decisions regarding spending, saving, and investing. To understand why money serves as a unit of account, we can consider the concept of barter, which is the exchange of goods and services without the use of money. In a barter system, a "double coincidence of wants" is required, meaning that two parties need to have goods or services that the other party desires and be willing to make an exchange. However, this can be a highly inefficient system when there are numerous goods and services with varying values. Money, on the other hand, acts as a universally accepted medium of exchange that simplifies the process by assigning a common value to goods and services. This makes it easier to compare and measure the worth of different items, facilitating economic transactions and providing a unit of account for individuals and businesses.