(-9) to thr second power minus (-6) to the second power: I got this -9 * -9 - (-6)(-6) = 81 - 36 = 45 is this right ?


Thank you.

To solve the expression (-9) to the second power minus (-6) to the second power, follow the order of operations, which is also referred to as BIDMAS/BODMAS (Brackets, Indices/Exponents, Division/Multiplication, Addition/Subtraction) or PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication/Division, Addition/Subtraction).

First, evaluate the expressions inside the parentheses:
(-9) to the second power = (-9) * (-9) = 81
(-6) to the second power = (-6) * (-6) = 36

Now, substitute these values back into the expression:
81 - 36 = 45

So, your answer is correct. The expression (-9) to the second power minus (-6) to the second power equals 45.