Find the LCM

10b^6 c^6, 5b^5 c^4, 14b^3 c^7

What is the LCM?

I came up with 70(b^6)(c^7)

Did I do this correctly? Thank you

To find the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of the given terms, we need to determine the highest power of each variable (b and c) that appears in any of the terms. Then, we multiply these highest powers together.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start by looking at the powers of b:
- The first term has b^6.
- The second term has b^5.
- The third term has b^3.

The highest power of b is b^6 because it is the largest power that appears. Therefore, we include b^6 in the LCM.

2. Next, consider the powers of c:
- The first term has c^6.
- The second term has c^4.
- The third term has c^7.

The highest power of c is c^7 because it is the largest power that appears. Therefore, we include c^7 in the LCM.

3. Now, multiply the highest powers of b and c together:
LCM = b^6 * c^7

So, based on the given terms, the correct LCM would be b^6 * c^7. It seems like you made a typo in your answer; the correct answer should not include the additional factor of 70.