You recently have found a location for your bakery and have started implementing the first phases of your buisness plan. Your budget consists of an 80,000 dollar loan from your family and a 38,250 dollar small buisness loan and these loans have to be paid within 10 years. Twnety five percent of your budget will be used for rent andutilities write an algebraic expression that expresses how much money will be spent on rent and utilities ,do not solve.

To express the amount of money that will be spent on rent and utilities, we can use the following algebraic expression:

0.25 * (80000 + 38250)

Let's break it down:

- The expression (80000 + 38250) represents the total budget available, which is the sum of the $80,000 loan from your family and the $38,250 small business loan.
- The value of this expression represents the total budget: (80000 + 38250) = $118,250.
- Multiplying this total budget by 0.25 (which represents 25% or 0.25/1), we get the amount spent on rent and utilities (25% of the budget).

So, the algebraic expression 0.25 * (80000 + 38250) represents how much money will be spent on rent and utilities without solving it.