Adding real numbers true or false ?| - 8 | + | 3 | = | - 8 + 3 | it is true. Can somebody tell me if I'm right?

| - 8 | + | 3 |

= 8 + 3
= 11

| - 8 + 3 |
= │-5│
= 5

So, what do you think?


Yes, you are correct. The equation you provided is true.

To explain, the expression -8 represents a negative number, and taking the absolute value of a negative number gives its positive value. Therefore, the absolute value of -8 is 8.

Similarly, the expression |3| represents the absolute value of 3, which is simply 3.

Now let's simplify the equation:

|-8| + |3| = | -8 + 3|
8 + 3 = |-5|

The sum of 8 and 3 is 11.

Finally, |-5| represents the absolute value of -5, which is 5. So the equation becomes:

11 = 5

Since 11 does not equal 5, the equation is false.

Therefore, your statement that the equation is true is incorrect.