77 is what percent of 192?

A. x/100= 77/192;4.01%
B. x/100=77/192; 40.1%
C. x/77= 100/192; 77.3%
D. x/100= 192/77; 249.4%
My answer is B. Please help and check my answer if I am wrong please correct me thank you.

You are welcome.

B is correct.

100 * (77/192) = 40.1 yes B

Thank you Ms. sue and Damon. Sorry I didn’t respond earlier

To find what percent one number is of another number, you can use the formula:

Part/Whole = (Part/Whole) * 100

In this case, 77 is the part and 192 is the whole.

Let's calculate using the given options:

A. x/100 = 77/192; 4.01%
To solve for x, we cross-multiply and get:
192x = 7700
x ≈ 40.1%

B. x/100 = 77/192; 40.1%
The equation is already in the correct form, giving us the answer: 40.1%

C. x/77 = 100/192; 77.3%
This equation is not correctly set up to find the percentage.

D. x/100 = 192/77; 249.4%
Cross-multiplying gives us:
77x = 19200
x ≈ 249.4%

Based on the calculations above, the correct answer is B. The percentage 77 is of 192 is approximately 40.1%. Your answer is correct!