ok, i typed it out right this time.


Ok now I subtracted from both sides

How do I finish the problem out?

multiply each side by 8/3

x = 11/8 * 8/3
x = 11/3

see my first solution in the previous post dealing with this question for a simpler way.

thank you

To solve the equation (5/4)x + (1/8)x = 11/8 + x, you have so far simplified it to (3/8)x = 11/8.

To finish solving the equation, you can follow the steps below:

1. Eliminate the fractions: Multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of the fraction coefficient (3/8) to cancel out the fraction on the left side. This gives you:

(3/8)x * (8/3) = (11/8) * (8/3)

After canceling out, the equation becomes:

x = (11/8) * (8/3)

2. Simplify the expression on the right side:

On the right side, the fraction (11/8) cancels out with the denominator (8/8), leaving you with:

x = 11/3

Therefore, the solution to the equation is x = 11/3.