about the 9/11 incident what major changes had taken place in America and had these changes been beneficical or non benefical???

In the last 5 years, some of the major changes have been:
*preemptive war in Iraq
*thousands of lives lost in Iraq
*billions of dollars spent there -- with very little to show for these expenses
*loss of some American freedoms -- such as wire tapping citizens without court orders and searches at airports and government buildings
*increased suspicions of Muslims and Arabs

To determine whether these changes have been beneficial or non-beneficial, it is important to consider different perspectives and understand that opinions on this matter may vary.

To assess the impact of major changes in America after the 9/11 incident, one could examine various sources such as news articles, academic studies, government reports, and opinions from experts and individuals affected by these changes. Here's a suggested approach to finding information on this topic:

1. Research reliable sources: Start by searching for reputable news organizations, academic institutions, and government reports that have analyzed the impact of these changes. Look for articles or research papers that discuss the specific changes mentioned in your question.

2. Evaluate the outcomes: Pay attention to the different perspectives presented in these sources. Assess the outcomes of each change individually. For example, you can examine whether the preemptive war in Iraq led to improved security or stability, or if it resulted in negative consequences such as loss of lives, economic burden, or increased regional tensions.

3. Consider different viewpoints: Explore opinions from various experts, scholars, and individuals who have been directly affected. Take note of both positive and negative perspectives to gain a balanced understanding.

4. Analyze long-term effects: Assess the lasting impact of these changes. Consider how they might have influenced American foreign policy, civil liberties, public opinion, and international relations.

5. Formulate your own conclusion: After gathering information from diverse sources, weigh the evidence and form your own opinion on whether these changes have been beneficial or non-beneficial. Remember to consider multiple factors, including the intended objectives of these changes and their consequences.

Ultimately, the assessment of beneficial or non-beneficial changes will depend on individual perspectives, values, and priorities. It is essential to approach this topic with an open mind and critically analyze the available information.