Pedro earns 7.50 dollars an hour at his job at Matrix Cinemas. If he works 20 hours this week and his employer withholds a total of 22 percent of his weekly pay for taxes and Social Security, what is his take-home pay for the week?

100 - 22 = 78 % take home

.78 * 7.50 $/h * 20 h

7.5 * 20 = $150

150 - (150 * 0.22) = $_______ take home pay

thats wrong

Ohhh? Damon and I did the problem in different ways but got the same answer. What is wrong with our answer?

To find Pedro's take-home pay for the week, we need to calculate the amount of money withheld for taxes and Social Security, and subtract that from his total earnings.

Step 1: Calculate the total earnings:
Pedro earns $7.50 an hour, and he works for 20 hours. So, his total earnings before any deductions would be:
Total earnings = Hourly rate * Hours worked
Total earnings = $7.50/hour * 20 hours
Total earnings = $150

Step 2: Calculate the amount withheld for taxes and Social Security:
Pedro's employer withholds 22 percent of his weekly pay. To find the amount withheld, we'll calculate 22 percent of his total earnings:
Amount withheld = Total earnings * (Percentage/100)
Amount withheld = $150 * (22/100)
Amount withheld = $33

Step 3: Calculate Pedro's take-home pay:
To find Pedro's take-home pay, we subtract the amount withheld from his total earnings:
Take-home pay = Total earnings - Amount withheld
Take-home pay = $150 - $33
Take-home pay = $117

Therefore, Pedro's take-home pay for the week is $117.