Hwan decides to lose weight before the wrestling season begins. He weighs 148 pounds now and loses one pound per week for six weeks. Let y represent Hwan’s weight and let x represent the time in weeks. What is the slope of the line?

The y intercept is 148

-1lb/6wk = -1/6 lb/wk

that is the slope

y = 148 - x/6

I dont get it

Same question as this.


why are you repeating it ??

btw, it said he loses one pound per week for 6 weeks
so the equation could be written
y = -x + 148 , x ≤ 6

"the for 6 weeks" simply limits the domain of the function so the results stay within logical limitations.

To find the slope of the line, we need to determine how the weight (y) changes with respect to time (x). We know that Hwan loses one pound per week for six weeks.

First, let's assign x=0 to represent the starting point, which is the current weight of 148 pounds.

After 1 week (x=1), Hwan's weight would be 148 - 1 = 147 pounds.
After 2 weeks (x=2), Hwan's weight would be 147 - 1 = 146 pounds.
After 3 weeks (x=3), Hwan's weight would be 146 - 1 = 145 pounds.
After 4 weeks (x=4), Hwan's weight would be 145 - 1 = 144 pounds.
After 5 weeks (x=5), Hwan's weight would be 144 - 1 = 143 pounds.
After 6 weeks (x=6), Hwan's weight would be 143 - 1 = 142 pounds.

Now, we can create a table to show the relationship between x and y:

x | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
y |148|147|146|145|144|143|142

Looking at the table, we can observe that for every increase of 1 in x (weeks), y (weight) decreases by 1.

Therefore, the slope of the line is -1.

In this case, the slope represents the rate at which Hwan is losing weight, which is 1 pound per week.