The population of Circletown has been growing at an annual rate of 5% for the last 5 years. The population is now 3104 people. What was the population of Circletown 5 years ago?

pop(1.05^5) = 3104

pop = 3104/1.05^5 = ....


Thanks dude I got it :)


To find the population of Circletown 5 years ago, we can use the formula for compound interest. In this case, the annual rate of population growth can be thought of as the interest rate, and the population 5 years ago can be thought of as the initial amount.

The formula for compound interest is given by:

P = P0 * (1 + r)^n

P is the final population (3104)
P0 is the initial population we want to find
r is the annual growth rate (5% or 0.05)
n is the number of years (5)

Using the formula, we can rearrange it to solve for P0:

P0 = P / (1 + r)^n

Now, let's plug in the values:

P0 = 3104 / (1 + 0.05)^5

Calculating this expression, we find:

P0 ≈ 3104 / 1.27628

P0 ≈ 2430.43

Therefore, the population of Circletown 5 years ago was approximately 2430 people.