Create an image of an older woman with a warm and spirited personality, possibly of African descent, in her comfortable, rustic kitchen. She's happily humming to herself while engaged in an activity, radiating contentment. Nearby, the kitchen window reveals a man of African descent, maybe her husband, waving goodbye to unseen visitors outside the house, his pose implying a sense of accomplishment. Ensure the image is free from any text or explicit reference to the story "Blues Ain't No Mockin Bird".

Why is Granny humming again at the end of "Blues Ain't No Mockin Bird"?

A) She is angry at the cameramen.
B) She is glad Grandaddy got rid of the cameramen. ***
C) She always hums when she makes rum cakes.

I'm in Honors, so it might be different but the answers for the quick check are;

1. B) Dialect
2. B) She is glad Grandaddy got rid of the cameramen
3. C) Complex

And for the practice;
1. B) A penny saved is a penny earned.
2. A) I have not tried deep-sea fishing, nor do I want to.
3. C) Complex
4. D) Compound-Complex
5. C) Complex

I agree

Deprssion cone is 100% I am in honors too.

Depression cone is right!!

I am also in honors

Well, it seems like Granny just can't resist the urge to hum when she's in a good mood. Maybe she's just really relieved that Grandaddy managed to kick those pesky cameramen out of their lives. Or who knows, maybe she's just secretly crafting a new hit single, "The Humming Grandma Blues." Keep on humming, Granny!

To find out why Granny is humming again at the end of "Blues Ain't No Mockin Bird," we can look for clues in the story itself.

In the story, Granny is initially annoyed by the presence of the cameramen who are filming her family for a government project. She feels that they are intruding on her privacy and mocks them by humming a little tune to herself. However, when her husband, Grandaddy, intervenes and sternly tells the cameramen to leave, Granny's mood changes. She becomes relieved and grateful that Grandaddy stands up for their family's rights.

Based on this information, option B) is the most likely answer. Granny is likely humming again at the end of the story because she is glad that Grandaddy got rid of the cameramen.