Read the scenario.

You want to answer the following question:
Does drinking cause liver damage?

You set up an experiment by selecting a group of people and dividing them into two groups. You test each group for liver damage and find that there is none in either group. Then, you allow Group A to live as usual, but you have Group B drink 24 ounces of alcohol a day for five years. After five years, you test both groups and find that there is more liver damage in Group B.

What was the independent variable in your experiment?

the passage of five years

the people

the consumption of alcohol

liver damage

Since we are looking for the independent variable I am pretty sure the answer is C

I agree with C.

Thank you, Arora

You are correct! The independent variable in this experiment is the consumption of alcohol. It's the variable that the researcher intentionally manipulates or changes in order to observe its effect on the dependent variable, which is liver damage in this case. In this experiment, Group B was the one exposed to the independent variable by drinking 24 ounces of alcohol daily for five years, while Group A did not have any alcohol consumption. By comparing the amount of liver damage in both groups after the five-year period, the researcher can analyze the effect of alcohol consumption on liver health.