Which of the following did NOT contribute to an increase in food production and population growth during the Middle Ages?

A) the invention of the ox collar
B) a climate change
C) a heavy, wheeled plow with an iron plowshare
D) a three-field system of crop rotation

Im between A or B?

There was no dramatic climate change in Europe at that time. B is wrong. Re-read your text materials for the correct information. I don't know about the ox collar or yoke.

This gives information about farming in the Middle Ages, too.


To determine which of the options did NOT contribute to an increase in food production and population growth during the Middle Ages, we need to evaluate each option individually:

A) The invention of the ox collar was a significant advancement in agricultural technology during the Middle Ages. It allowed farmers to harness the power of oxen more efficiently, enabling them to cultivate larger areas of land and increase food production. Therefore, option A cannot be the correct answer.

B) Climate change can have a significant impact on food production and population growth. Changes in temperature and weather patterns can affect crop yields and availability of resources. Historical records show that climate change, such as the Medieval Warm Period, did contribute to increased food production and population growth during the Middle Ages. Therefore, option B is not the correct answer.

C) The development of a heavy, wheeled plow with an iron plowshare was another technological advancement that enhanced agriculture during the Middle Ages. This improved plow allowed farmers to turn over heavy, clay-rich soils more effectively, increasing productivity. Therefore, option C cannot be the correct answer.

D) The three-field system of crop rotation was a revolutionary farming technique during the Middle Ages. It involved dividing the arable land into three fields and rotating the crops planted on each field each year. This system allowed farmers to replenish soil nutrients and improve overall crop yields. As a result, it contributed significantly to increased food production and population growth. Therefore, option D is the correct answer.

In conclusion, the answer is option D) a three-field system of crop rotation, as it did not contribute to an increase in food production and population growth during the Middle Ages.