List the characteristics that are unique to Arthur and to Sundiata. What qualities do the two characters have in common?

I need help figuring out which qualities are unique to Arthur and which are unique to Sundiata.

What did you read that was about Arthur and Sundiata? Author? Title?

The Sword in the Stone retold by Keith Banes

Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali told by D.T. Naine, translated by G.D. Pickett

Please help me!!

I doubt anyone here has read those works. If there's a tutor who has, though, you'll need to be patient.

In the meantime, you need to get busy and give it your best try. You're wasting time.

To determine the unique characteristics of Arthur and Sundiata, as well as the qualities they have in common, you can start by analyzing their respective stories, backgrounds, and the roles they play in their narratives.

To identify Arthur's unique traits, consider the following:

1. Kingliness: Arthur is commonly portrayed as the rightful king of Britain, symbolizing his leadership, authority, and the establishment of Camelot.
2. Pulling the Sword from the Stone: The legendary Excalibur sword can only be wielded by the rightful king, which Arthur accomplishes, highlighting his destiny and legitimacy.
3. Knights of the Round Table: Arthur establishes the noble order of knights, emphasizing his focus on justice, chivalry, and unity among his followers.
4. Merlin's Guidance: Arthur often relies on the wisdom and guidance of the sorcerer Merlin, showcasing his connection to mystical and magical elements.

On the other hand, to identify Sundiata's unique characteristics, consider the following:

1. Legendary Ancestry: Sundiata is believed to be the legendary founder of the Mali Empire and is said to be descended from a long line of kings and supernatural beings.
2. Physical Abilities: Sundiata is known for his exceptional strength, which he gains back after being crippled as a child. This underscores his resilience, determination, and eventual triumph.
3. Prophetic Dreams: Sundiata experiences premonition dreams, enabling him to foresee important events, making him a figure of destiny and foresight.
4. Griot Tradition: Sundiata's story is often told through the West African tradition of griots, who are oral historians and storytellers preserving the history and culture of their people.

Now, let's explore the qualities that Arthur and Sundiata have in common:

1. Leadership: Both Arthur and Sundiata display strong leadership qualities, guiding their people and fulfilling their respective destinies.
2. Heroic Nature: Both characters embody heroism, facing significant challenges and fighting for the greater good.
3. Establishing Legitimacy: Arthur and Sundiata both strive to establish their rightful place as leaders and demonstrate their legitimacy through specific acts or events.
4. Symbolic Figures: Both Arthur and Sundiata have become iconic figures in their respective cultural and literary traditions.

By understanding the unique characteristics and shared qualities of Arthur and Sundiata, you can now better identify which traits distinguish each of them within their individual stories.