How many solutions does this system have-2x+y=3 6x=9-3y

A. one
B. none
C. infinite
D. two


OK connections academy Honors Algebra

1. inconsistent
2. infinite
3. (4,-1)
4. Exactly two solutions
5. No solutions
hope this helps

DCDB!!!!!! I got 3/4.

these are the answers:

1. Which best describes a system of equations that has no solution?
2. How many solutions does this system have?
2x + y = 3
6x = 9 - 3y
3. What is the approximate solution of the linear system represented by the graph below?
(4, –1)
4. Which cannot describe a system of linear equations?
exactly two solutions

answer was c

It's DCDB for connections academy 2022, Solving systems by Graphing Quick check

They wrong lol the first question is b I’m pretty sure

And the question asked is infinite..

The answers for me in honors class are

D, inconsistent
C, infinite
D, (4,-1)
C, (0.5,1.5)
A, no solutions

Because maximum number of solutions of an equation is equal to its degree

-2x+y=3 ----> 2x - y = -3

6x + 3y = 9
divide by 3 ,
2x + y = 3

Since the slopes are different, they will intersect.
So ONE solution.
