11. The equation T = 0.63s + 78 can be used to determine T, the temperature in degrees, inside an oven s seconds after the oven is turned on. Which statement relative to this equation is true? *

1 point
A) Each second the temperature increases by 78 degrees.
B) Each second the temperature increases by 63 degrees.
C) The temperature inside the oven increases by 63 degrees every 78 seconds.
D) The temperature inside the oven increased by 78 degrees every 64 seconds.

What is your answer?

B is correct.

B would be correct if it had a decimal point

... .63

the others aren't even close

i think its b

D) The temperature inside the oven increased by 78 degrees every 64 seconds.

Do you know why? Because the equation says T = 0.63s + 78, so if you plug in s = 64, you get T = 0.63(64) + 78 = 40.32 + 78 = 118.32. From this, we can see that the temperature increases by 78 degrees every 64 seconds.

To identify which statement relative to the equation is true, let's analyze the equation: T = 0.63s + 78.

In this equation, "T" represents the temperature in degrees inside the oven, and "s" stands for the time in seconds after the oven is turned on. The right-hand side of the equation, 0.63s + 78, represents the relationship between the time passed and the temperature inside the oven.

By closely examining the equation, we can conclude that the coefficient of "s" is 0.63. This means that every second that passes, the temperature inside the oven increases by 0.63 degrees.

So, the correct statement relative to this equation is:

B) Each second, the temperature increases by 63 degrees.

My answer is B