Please check my essay and make corrections.

In the famous play, Julius Caesar, the most important characters would have to be Caesar and Brutus. Each character has its distinctive role, Caesar as the ruler of Rome and Brutus as one of the Caesar¡¯s best friends. They both have the same goal, whereas have different ambitions. Although they are respected and eager to make Rome a better place, their inflexibility becomes a major flaw, meeting a tragic end.

First of all, Caesar was inflexible throughout the play almost the entire time. Caesar¡¯s most foolish decision was not listening to some else¡¯s advice or concern. Caesar was warned by so many people about his coming death. These people were the Soothsayer, his wife Calpurnia and Artemidorus. They told Caesar about their dreams, bad signs and warning such as ¡®Beware the Ides of March¡¯ however, Caesar did not listen to them or even accept to listen. He thought that he was too powerful and worthy that he did not listen to advice and just make his own decision. His rigidity blocked his way to avoid death and his enemies seized opportunity to kill him. His reward of being the most powerful man in Rome vanished with his one fatal mistake of not listening to some else.

Brutus also showed his rigidity and met death however; he was honored by people around him. He was more unfortunate rather than being inflexible as he was tricked by Cassius and the other conspirators. He received a letter from Cassius disguised as a Roman complaining and worrying about Caesar being a dictator. Of course, Brutus made his mind to join the conspirators and kill Caesar for Rome. After being successful of killing Caesar, he made another mistake by allowing Antony to speak during the funeral oration. This gave Antony an opportunity to convince people that Caesar should not have been killed and Brutus and other conspirators should be blamed for his death. Throughout the play, Brutus showed his foolishness of making a bad decision. His reward of killing Caesar also vanished as Octavius came into the ruling position who acted the exactly the same way as the former ruler. Moreover, he blew his opportunity to convince the citizens of Rome by giving Antony an opportunity to speak after him.

Although both characters showed their inflexible actions and decisions, they also had successful times in the play. Caesar for instance, refused to receive the crown in front of Roman citizens three times, showing that he had no ambition of becoming a King, but to remain as a leader to guide Rome. Brutus also showed his noble behavior such as allowing Antony to speak during the funeral oration and accepting his failure and mistakes. These good deeds however, were useless as the consequences of these actions were bigger than the actions they made. It was a good intention, but the result for it was too big, also a negative one.

The Two main characters have shown their rigid actions throughout the play. Their decisions were made for the best intention but the results they brought them were the worst situation. The end they each met was very tragic but they both had its reason for it. Caesar and Brutus¡¯ inflexible decisions give a message to think twice, before it becomes a fatal mistake.

So far, so good. Is this all? It's not an essay yet!

One thing I would change, though, is in the 3rd sentence. You should delete "whereas have" and insert "but."

I've put a '/' key between each paragraphs. Thank you for helping.

In the famous play, Julius Caesar, the most important characters would have to be Caesar and Brutus. Each character has its distinctive role, Caesar as the ruler of Rome and Brutus as one of the Caesar¡¯s best friends. They both have the same goal, but different ambitions. Although they are respected and eager to make Rome a better place, their inflexibility becomes a major flaw, meeting a tragic end. / First of all, Caesar was inflexible throughout the play almost the entire time. Caesar¡¯s most foolish decision was not listening to some else¡¯s advice or concern. Caesar was warned by so many people about his coming death. These people were the Soothsayer, his wife Calpurnia and Artemidorus. They told Caesar about their dreams, bad signs and warning such as ¡®Beware the Ides of March¡¯ however, Caesar did not listen to them or even accept to listen. He thought that he was too powerful and worthy that he did not listen to advice and just make his own decision. His rigidity blocked his way to avoid death and his enemies seized opportunity to kill him. His reward of being the most powerful man in Rome vanished with his one fatal mistake of not listening to some else. / Brutus also showed his rigidity and met death however; he was honored by people around him. He was more unfortunate rather than being inflexible as he was tricked by Cassius and the other conspirators. He received a letter from Cassius disguised as a Roman complaining and worrying about Caesar being a dictator. Of course, Brutus made his mind to join the conspirators and kill Caesar for Rome. After being successful of killing Caesar, he made another mistake by allowing Antony to speak during the funeral oration. This gave Antony an opportunity to convince people that Caesar should not have been killed and Brutus and other conspirators should be blamed for his death. Throughout the play, Brutus showed his foolishness of making a bad decision. His reward of killing Caesar also vanished as Octavius came into the ruling position who acted the exactly the same way as the former ruler. Moreover, he blew his opportunity to convince the citizens of Rome by giving Antony an opportunity to speak after him. / Although both characters showed their inflexible actions and decisions, they also had successful times in the play. Caesar for instance, refused to receive the crown in front of Roman citizens three times, showing that he had no ambition of becoming a King, but to remain as a leader to guide Rome. Brutus also showed his noble behavior such as allowing Antony to speak during the funeral oration and accepting his failure and mistakes. These good deeds however, were useless as the consequences of these actions were bigger than the actions they made. It was a good intention, but the result for it was too big, also a negative one. / The Two main characters have shown their rigid actions throughout the play. Their decisions were made for the best intention but the results they brought them were the worst situation. The end they each met was very tragic but they both had its reason for it. Caesar and Brutus¡¯ inflexible decisions give a message to think twice, before it becomes a fatal mistake.

In the famous play, Julius Caesar, the most important characters are Caesar and Brutus. While both characters have the same goal of making Rome a better place, they have different ambitions and their inflexibility becomes a major flaw that ultimately leads to their tragic ends.

To improve your essay, here are some potential corrections and suggestions:

1. Consider using proper capitalization for names (e.g., "Caesar" instead of "caesar").
2. Use proper punctuation to enhance readability and comprehension.
3. Add more transitions between paragraphs to improve the flow and coherence of your essay.
4. Use clear topic sentences at the beginning of each paragraph to indicate the main idea.
5. Utilize specific examples from the play to support your points and make your arguments more convincing.
6. Provide more context and background information about the play and its characters, as some readers may be unfamiliar with Julius Caesar.

Here's a revised version of your essay:

In the famous play, Julius Caesar, two of the most important characters are Caesar and Brutus. Each character plays a distinctive role in the story, with Caesar being the ruler of Rome and Brutus serving as one of Caesar's closest friends. Despite both characters' intentions to improve Rome, their inflexibility becomes a significant flaw that ultimately leads to their tragic demise.

Firstly, Caesar demonstrates inflexibility throughout the play. His most significant mistake is his refusal to listen to others' advice or concerns. Despite numerous warnings from the Soothsayer, his wife Calpurnia, and Artemidorus, Caesar dismisses their dreams, omens, and the phrase "Beware the Ides of March." He believes his power and worthiness make him impervious to harm, leading him to ignore advice and make decisions solely based on his own judgment. Unfortunately, this rigidity prevents him from avoiding his death, and his enemies seize the opportunity to assassinate him. His reward of being the most powerful man in Rome is abruptly taken away due to his fatal mistake of disregarding others' counsel.

Similarly, Brutus also displays inflexibility throughout the play, which eventually leads to his death. However, unlike Caesar, Brutus is initially honored by the people around him. He is tricked by Cassius and the other conspirators through a forged letter, persuading him that killing Caesar is for the greater good of Rome. After successfully assassinating Caesar, Brutus makes another critical error by allowing Antony to speak during the funeral oration. This provides Antony an opportunity to turn the people against the conspirators, convincing them that Caesar's death was unjust and that Brutus and the others should be held responsible. Throughout the play, Brutus showcases poor judgment, tarnishing the reward he initially sought by killing Caesar. Furthermore, this decision allows Octavius to assume power, mimicking Caesar's leadership style. Additionally, Brutus loses his chance to persuade the citizens of Rome by giving Antony an opportunity to speak after him.

Although both characters demonstrate inflexibility in their actions and decisions, they also have successful moments in the play. Caesar, for instance, refuses the crown three times in front of the Roman citizens, displaying his lack of ambition to become a king and his desire to remain a leader to guide Rome. Similarly, Brutus exhibits noble behavior by allowing Antony to speak during the funeral oration and accepting his failures and mistakes. However, these noble deeds prove futile as the consequences of their actions outweigh the good intentions. In the end, both characters meet a tragic fate, underscoring the importance of carefully considering one's decisions to prevent fatal mistakes.

In conclusion, the two main characters, Caesar and Brutus, demonstrate inflexibility throughout the play. While their decisions are driven by good intentions, the outcomes they face are disastrous. Their tragic ends serve as a reminder to think twice before making decisions that may have irreversible consequences.