The side of a square flower bed is 1 m and 80 cm long. It is enlarged by digging a strip 20 cm wide all around it. find the area of the flower bed and also the increase in area of the flower bed answer me.

To find the area of the flower bed, we first need to convert the side length from meters and centimeters to a single unit. Let's convert everything to centimeters for simplicity.

The given side length of the square flower bed is 1 m and 80 cm.

1 meter = 100 centimeters, so the side length in centimeters is (1 * 100) cm = 100 cm.

Adding the given 80 cm to the 100 cm, we have a side length of 180 cm for the original square flower bed.

Now, let's calculate the area of the flower bed.

Area of a square = (side length)^2.

So, the area of the original flower bed = (180 cm)^2 = 32400 cm^2.

To find the enlarged flower bed area, we need to consider the strip of land that is dug around the original flower bed. The strip has a width of 20 cm.

Since the strip forms another square around the original flower bed, its side length will be equal to the original side length + twice the width of the strip.

Enlarged side length = 180 cm + 2 * 20 cm = 180 cm + 40 cm = 220 cm.

Now, let's calculate the area of the enlarged flower bed.

Enlarged area = (enlarged side length)^2 = (220 cm)^2 = 48400 cm^2.

Finally, to find the increase in area, we subtract the original area from the enlarged area.

Increase in area = Enlarged area - Original area = 48400 cm^2 - 32400 cm^2 = 16000 cm^2.

So, the area of the flower bed is 32400 cm^2 and the increase in area of the flower bed is 16000 cm^2.

original area = 1 x .8 = .8 m^2

new length = 1.4 m
new width = 1.2 m
new area = 1.4(1.2) or 1.68 m^2

finish it up