shopkeeper purchased some goods for 900rs and sold one -third of goods at loss of what 12%,then at gain% should the remainder goods he sold to gain 18% profit on whole transaction?

ans i got 33%

To solve this problem, we can break it down into three steps:

Step 1: Calculate the cost of the goods sold at a loss.
Given that the shopkeeper sold one-third of the goods at a loss of 12%, we need to find the cost of these goods. Since the loss percentage is based on the cost price, we can calculate it as follows:
Loss = 12% of Cost Price
Loss = (12/100) * 900

Step 2: Determine the remaining goods.
To find the remaining goods, we subtract the goods sold at a loss from the total goods purchased:
Remaining Goods = Total Goods Purchased - Goods Sold at Loss

Step 3: Calculate the profit percentage on the remaining goods.
According to the question, the shopkeeper wants to gain an 18% profit on the whole transaction. We already know the cost of the remaining goods from step 2. So, to find the selling price of the remaining goods, we need to add the desired profit to the cost price:
Profit = 18% of Cost Price
Profit = (18/100) * (Total Cost - Loss)
Selling Price of Remaining Goods = Cost Price + Profit

Let's calculate the solution:

Step 1: Calculate the loss:
Loss = (12/100) * 900

Step 2: Determine the remaining goods:
Remaining Goods = 900 - Loss

Step 3: Calculate the profit percentage on the remaining goods:
Profit = (18/100) * (900 - Loss)
Selling Price of Remaining Goods = Cost Price + Profit

By calculating the above steps, we can find the selling price of the remaining goods, which will give the desired 18% profit on the whole transaction.

1/3 * .88 + 2/3 * r = 1.18

r = 1.33

you are correct