Both Ernesto from barrio boy and the boy in "A Day's Wait" interact with adults. Ernesto interacts with Miss Ryan, while the sick boy interacts with his father. In a paragraph, compare and contrast how the boys interact with the adults. Focus on how the boys think of the adults, how the adults react to the boys, and how the boys respond to them. Use details from the selections to support your idea

I dont really get it

I'm still having trouble understanding the question

In "A Day's Wait", the boy interacts with the father in a concerned way. The boy is concerned about his father's health when he says, "You can't come in, you mustn't get what I have." The father walks in noticing that the boy hasn't moved an inch. He took his temperature and the boy worries it. The father doesn't think the boy's condition is serious. The boy says in school at France, the boys told me you can't live with forty-four degrees. In Barrio Boy, Ernesto interacts with Miss Ryan in an uncomfortable way. He is afraid of Miss Ryan because he barely knows any English and finds her intimidating.

To compare and contrast how both Ernesto from "Barrio Boy" and the sick boy from "A Day's Wait" interact with adults, we need to examine their perspectives, the reactions of the adults, and the boys' responses.

Starting with Ernesto, he has a positive perception of Miss Ryan, his teacher. He sees her as someone who genuinely cares about his education and wants him to succeed. In the story, Ernesto recalls feeling nervous on his first day of school, but Miss Ryan alleviates his fears by being patient and kind. This is evident when she helps him pronounce words correctly and encourages him to participate in class. Ernesto responds positively to her guidance, feeling grateful for her support.

On the other hand, the sick boy in "A Day's Wait" has a different perspective on adults, particularly his father. The boy sees his father as someone who is strict and unemotional. He believes that showing any signs of weakness or vulnerability would be frowned upon. When the boy develops a fever, he introduces the thought that he might die, but his father dismisses it, claiming it to be a simple misunderstanding. The boy perceives this as indifference, causing him to internalize his fear and pain without expressing it to his father.

In terms of the adults' reactions, Miss Ryan and the sick boy's father respond differently to the boys. Miss Ryan actively engages Ernesto in the learning process, demonstrating patience and understanding. She creates a safe and supportive environment for him to learn and grow. In contrast, the sick boy's father doesn't fully grasp the severity of his son's illness. Rather than providing reassurance or comfort, he reacts with disinterest and doesn't take his son's concerns seriously. This lack of acknowledgment further isolates the boy emotionally.

As for the boys' responses to the adults, Ernesto appreciates and values the connection he has with Miss Ryan. He actively engages in class, works hard, and tries to please her. Ernesto acknowledges her role in his education and respects her as a figure of authority and guidance. On the other hand, the sick boy feels frustrated and detached from his father. He internalizes his pain and illness, not wanting to burden or disappoint his father. This highlights the strained relationship and lack of emotional connection between them.

In summary, while both Ernesto from "Barrio Boy" and the sick boy from "A Day's Wait" interact with adults, their perceptions, the adults' reactions, and the boys' responses differ significantly. Ernesto has a positive view of Miss Ryan, who supports and guides him. In contrast, the sick boy sees his father as indifferent and unemotional, leading him to suppress his emotions. These differences in perspectives and reactions shape the boys' respective interactions with the adults in their lives.

read the stories and aswer the question. EZ!

What don't you "get"? The boys relationships with the adults they interact with are not the same. How do they differ? How does each interact with the significant adult? How do the adults regard the boys? Use examples from the stories to support your ideas. You do have to read the stories to answer the assignment, and you have to think about it.