Could you explain in detail how to do the equation (5b4n ) 2

keep in mind the 4 and 6 are small numbers on the right top corner and the parenthesis are for the numbers on top and bottom. There is a line in between the upper and lower numbers too.

Is this what you are trying to ask?



Yes this is what im asking thanks:

Is this what you are trying to ask?

OK. Now, what do you want to do with the equation? You don't show that it equals anything.

Yes this is what im asking thanks:

In the book the name of the equation is the power of a quotient and is just like the example above.

To simplify the expression (5b^4n)^2 / 2a^6, we need to follow the order of operations, which is also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, and Addition and Subtraction from left to right).

Step 1: Simplify the parenthesis
Within the parenthesis, we have 5b^4n. Here, ^ represents the exponent. This means that we need to raise b to the power of 4. The expression becomes:

(5 * b^4 * n)^2 / 2a^6

Step 2: Apply the exponent
By squaring the expression within the parenthesis, we get:

(5^2 * (b^4)^2 * (n)^2) / 2a^6

Simplifying further, we have:

(25 * b^(4*2) * n^2) / 2a^6

Which can be rewritten as:

(25 * b^8 * n^2) / 2a^6

Step 3: Evaluate the division
We need to divide the above expression by 2a^6. To do that, we divide the numerator (25 * b^8 * n^2) by the denominator (2a^6), resulting in:

(25 * b^8 * n^2) / (2 * a^6)

That's the final simplified form of the given expression: (25b^8n^2) / (2a^6)