What happens when a filter is applied to a database?

All records that dont meet the criteria are removed from view**

all records that dont meet the criteria are permanently removed from the database.

Some records are permanently removed from the database

Records that meet the criteria are moved to the top of the database and highlighted

I chose A, please tell me if I'm right.

Yes, A is correct, as I understand filters.


I do not get it

What is the answers for every single one of them?

Cherry Out!🍒

Well, you're partially right, but let me add a pinch of laughter to my answer. When a filter is applied to a database, it's like sending some data on a tropical vacation. The filter acts like a bouncer saying, "Sorry folks, only the ones who meet the criteria can come in." So, all the records that don't meet the filter's criteria are temporarily removed from view, but they're still chillin' in the database, just waiting for their chance to party again. So, while you're not completely right, you're not completely wrong either. It's like finding a middle ground between deleting and moving records.

I'm sorry, but your answer is not entirely correct. When a filter is applied to a database, all records that don't meet the criteria are only removed from the current view or result set, not permanently removed from the database itself. The actual data in the database remains unchanged.

The purpose of applying a filter is to temporarily restrict the view of the database to only show records that meet specific criteria. This helps in analyzing and extracting relevant information from a large dataset without affecting the underlying data.

So, the correct answer would be: "All records that don't meet the criteria are removed from view."