1.2(y + 1) for y = 2

A. 6
B. 5
C. 7
D. 8

Is it “A”?

2. The cost in dollars of a school banquet is 74 + 12n, where n is the number of people attending. What is the cost for 52 people?

A. $550
B. $698
C. $624
D. $138

Is it “B”?

3. Write a word phrase for p / 3.

A. a number plus 3
B. the product of a number and 3
C. the quotient of a number and 3
D. a number decreased by 3

Is it “C”?

4. A basketball player scores 10 points per game. Write an algebraic expression to show how many points she might score in n games.

A. 10n
B. 10 + n
C. 10 / n
D. n – 10
Is it “C”?

5. x – 16 = 14

A. 30
B. 2
C. -2
D. -30

Is it “A”?

6. Jake scored about twice as many points as Willie. Jake scored 22 points. Write an equation and use it to estimate the number n of points Willie scored.

A. n + 2 = 22; about 20 points
B. n – 2 = 22; about 24 points
C. 2n = 22; about 11 points
D. n / 2 = 22; about 44 points

Is it “C”?

7.-13x = -78

A. 6
C. 1,014
D. -1,014

Is it “A”?

8. r/7 = -8

A. -56
B. -7/8
C. -1/56
D. 7

Is it “A”?

9. Kenny owned so many baseball cards that he sold 82 of them. After selling the cards, he still had 159 left. Write and solve an equation to find the number of baseball cards b Kenny had originally.

A. b + 85 = 159; 77 cards
B. b – 82 = 159; 241 cards
C. b + 159 = 82; 241 cards
D. b + 159 = 82; 77 cards

Is it “C”?

10.3 x + 14 = 23

A. 3
B. 6
C. 9
D. 4

Is it “A”?

11. Find a solution to the inequality x > 4.

A. 8
B. 3
C. 4
D. 0

Is it “A”?

12. Write an inequality to model the situation: The number n of people who attended the game was at least 50.

A. n (underlined >) 50
B. n (underlined <) 50
C. n > 50
D. n < 50

13. x + 18 (underlined <) -3

A. x (underlined <) -21
B. x (underlined <) 21
C. x (underlined <) -15
D. x (underlined <) 15

Is it “A”?

14.4z > -60

A. z > 15
B. z > -15
C. z < 15
D. z < -15

Is it “D”?

15. Your class collected more than 380 cans of food in two weeks for the annual food drive. In the first week, 145 cans were collected. How many cans c of food were collected in the second week? Write and solve and inequality.

A. 145 + c < 380; c < 235
B. c + 145 > 380; c > 525
C. c – 145 (underlined >) 380; c (underlined >) 525
D. 145 + c > 380; c > 235

16. A costume designer made 10 costumes that each used 5.8 yards of fabric. If she had 238.2 yards of fabric to start with, about how much fabric does the costume designer have left? Write an equation and estimate the amount of fabric left.

17. A costume went to a garden shop and bought some potting soil for $12.50 and 6 shrubs. If the total bill was $71.00, how much did each shrub cost if they all cost the same? Write and solve an equation.

Awnsers change,

1-3 agree

4 disagree

5-6 agree

7-8 agree

9 disagree

10-11 agree

12 n ≥ 50 (≥ is made with > and "option" keys together)

13 agree

14 disagree

15 D

16 238.2 - (10*5.8) = ?

17 (71-12.50)/6 = ?

Let's go through each question step by step:

1. To find the value of 1.2(y + 1) when y = 2, we substitute 2 in place of y:
1.2(2 + 1) = 1.2(3) = 3.6
None of the given options match 3.6, so the answer is none of the provided options.

2. The cost of the banquet for 52 people can be found by substituting 52 in place of n:
Cost = 74 + 12(52) = 74 + 624 = 698
The option B is correct.

3. The word phrase for p / 3 is "the quotient of a number and 3". Therefore, the answer is C.

4. The algebraic expression to show how many points the basketball player might score in n games is 10n. Therefore, the answer is A.

5. To solve the equation x - 16 = 14, we add 16 to both sides:
x - 16 + 16 = 14 + 16
x = 30
The answer is A.

6. Since Jake scored about twice as many points as Willie, and Jake scored 22 points, we can write the equation:
2n = 22
Solving for n:
n = 22 / 2 = 11
The option C is the correct equation, but the estimate of about 11 points for Willie is incorrect.

7. To solve the equation -13x = -78, we divide both sides by -13:
(-13x) / -13 = (-78) / -13
x = 6
The answer is A.

8. To solve the equation r/7 = -8, we multiply both sides by 7:
(r/7) * 7 = (-8) * 7
r = -56
The answer is A.

9. To find the number of baseball cards originally owned by Kenny, we can set up the equation b - 82 = 159:
Adding 82 to both sides, we have:
b - 82 + 82 = 159 + 82
b = 241
The answer is B.

10. To solve the equation 3x + 14 = 23, we subtract 14 from both sides:
3x + 14 - 14 = 23 - 14
3x = 9
Dividing both sides by 3, we have:
x = 3
The answer is A.

11. To find a solution to the inequality x > 4, we can choose any number greater than 4. Option A satisfies the inequality, so the answer is A.

12. The inequality that models the situation "The number n of people who attended the game was at least 50" is n ≥ 50. Therefore, the answer is A.

13. To solve the inequality x + 18 < -3, we subtract 18 from both sides:
x + 18 - 18 < -3 - 18
x < -21
The answer is A.

14. To solve the inequality 4z > -60, we divide both sides by 4 (remembering to reverse the inequality sign since we divided by a negative number):
z > -60/4
z > -15
The answer is B.

15. The inequality that represents the situation "Your class collected more than 380 cans of food in two weeks for the annual food drive" can be written as c + 145 > 380, where c represents the number of cans collected in the second week. Solve for c:
c > 380 - 145
c > 235
The answer is B.

16. To find the amount of fabric left, we multiply the number of costumes (10) by the amount of fabric used for each costume (5.8):
Total fabric used = 10 * 5.8 = 58 yards
Amount of fabric left = 238.2 - 58 = 180.2 yards
The answer is none of the provided options.

17. Let's assume the cost of each shrub is x. The total bill can be written as:
12.50 + 6x = 71
Subtracting 12.50 from both sides, we have:
6x = 71 - 12.50
6x = 58.50
Dividing both sides by 6, we find:
x = 9.75
Each shrub costs $9.75
The answer is none of the provided options.

So, in summary:

1. The answer is none of the options provided.
2. The answer is B.
3. The answer is C.
4. The answer is A.
5. The answer is A.
6. The answer is C.
7. The answer is A.
8. The answer is A.
9. The answer is B.
10. The answer is A.
11. The answer is A.
12. The answer is A.
13. The answer is A.
14. The answer is B.
15. The answer is B.
16. The answer is none of the options provided.
17. The answer is none of the options provided.

