What is 1/3 as a decimal

Divide the numerator by the denominator.

1/3 = 0.33333333333333333

To convert 1/3 to a decimal, you divide the numerator (which is 1) by the denominator (which is 3).

So, 1 divided by 3 is equal to 0.3333... (the decimal continues indefinitely).

Therefore, 1/3 as a decimal is approximately 0.3333.

To convert a fraction to a decimal, you can divide the numerator (the top number) by the denominator (the bottom number).

In this case, you want to convert 1/3 to a decimal. So, divide 1 by 3:

1 ÷ 3 = 0.333333...

Therefore, 1/3 as a decimal is approximately 0.333 or 0.333333... (with the "3" digit repeating infinitely).