use data in table to write an equation four your trend line:

apparent temperature due to humidity at a room temperature of 72 degrees F

Humidity 0/20/40/60/80/100

apparent 64/67/70/72/74/76

possible answer for equation to trend line

answer: y = 2/15x + 64

(y= mx + B)

help...i don;t get it...can you explain step by step....( I get that b is the y intercept which would be when x is 0 so it's 64) ...thank you.

Sure, I can explain step by step how to derive the equation for the trend line using the given data.

Step 1: Plot the data points on a graph with the x-axis representing humidity and the y-axis representing apparent temperature.

Step 2: Determine the form of the equation for the trend line. In this case, it is a linear equation of the form "y = mx + b" where "y" represents the apparent temperature, "x" represents the humidity, "m" represents the slope, and "b" represents the y-intercept.

Step 3: To find the slope, choose any two points on the trend line. Let's choose the points (0, 64) and (100, 76) since they give the maximum spread.

Using the slope formula, m = (y₂ - y₁) / (x₂ - x₁), substitute the values:

m = (76 - 64) / (100 - 0) = 12 / 100 = 0.12.

So, the slope of the trend line is 0.12.

Step 4: Use the slope and one of the data points to find the y-intercept "b". Let's choose the point (0, 64):

Using the equation y = mx + b, substitute the values:

64 = 0.12 * 0 + b
64 = b

So, the y-intercept "b" is 64.

Step 5: Finally, substitute the slope and y-intercept values into the equation y = mx + b to get the equation of the trend line:

y = 0.12x + 64.

Therefore, the equation for the trend line is y = 0.12x + 64, which represents the relationship between humidity (x) and apparent temperature (y) at a room temperature of 72 degrees Fahrenheit.