It's not written like that the -3 is the numerator the 5 is the denominator then you have to divide the -45. like this

---- = -45

To solve this equation, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Write the equation with the numerator (-3) and the denominator (5) separated by a fraction bar:
-3/5 = -45

Step 2: To solve for the numerator, multiply both sides of the equation by the denominator (5). This cancels out the denominator on the left side and simplifies the equation:
-3 = -45 * 5

Step 3: Perform the multiplication on the right side of the equation:
-3 = -225

Step 4: Since the equation is now simplified, you can see that the value of the numerator is -3.

Therefore, the answer to the equation is -3.