1. An equilateral triangle is similar to a scalene triangle.

2. Two congruent polygons are similar.

3. Two rectangles are similar.

Can you please tell me if each of these are always, sometimes, or never true.

1. Similarity in triangles refers to equal angles. An equilateral triangle will always have all three angles being at 60 degrees, whereas a scalene triangle will have different values for all angles.

So the answer is - never true

2. In order for two polygons to be similar, they must be proportional. In order for two polygons to be congruent, they must be proportional and of the same size, or exactly the same. Thus, similarity is a component of congruency, and two congruent polygons will always be similar.

So, always true.

3. If two rectangles are proportional, they are similar. If not , they are not similar. With two random rectangles, either could be the case.

So, it is sometimes true.

1. Sometimes true. An equilateral triangle is never similar to a scalene triangle since scalene triangles have different side lengths and angles. However, an equilateral triangle can be similar to itself, as any figure is always similar to itself.

2. Always true. If two polygons are congruent, it means they have the same size and shape. Since similarity is a measure of both size and shape, two congruent polygons are always similar.

3. Sometimes true. Two rectangles can be similar, but it is not always the case. Rectangles are similar if their corresponding angles are equal and their corresponding sides are proportional. However, if two rectangles have different aspect ratios (length to width ratios), they are not similar.

To determine whether each statement is always, sometimes, or never true, we need to understand the definitions of similarity for geometric shapes. Two polygons are considered similar if their corresponding angles are congruent and their corresponding sides are proportional. With that in mind, let's analyze each statement:

1. An equilateral triangle is similar to a scalene triangle.
Answer: Sometimes true. By definition, all sides of an equilateral triangle are equal, and all angles are congruent. But a scalene triangle has no equal sides or congruent angles with an equilateral triangle. So, an equilateral triangle is similar to a scalene triangle only if the scalene triangle happens to be an isosceles triangle, which has two equal sides.

2. Two congruent polygons are similar.
Answer: Always true. If two polygons are congruent, it means they have the same shape and size. Since their corresponding angles are congruent and corresponding sides are in proportion, they satisfy the conditions for similarity.

3. Two rectangles are similar.
Answer: Sometimes true. Rectangles are similar if both their corresponding angles and corresponding sides are congruent. So, if two rectangles have equal angles and are proportional in size, they are similar. However, if the rectangles have different angles or the sides are not proportional, they are not similar.

In summary:
- Statement 1 is sometimes true.
- Statement 2 is always true.
- Statement 3 is sometimes true.