What would be a harmful side effect of a cold medicine

A. Do you have chills throughout the night
B. Your nagging cough goes away
C. The runny nose has dried up
D. You break out in itchy hives

The answers are

Believe me if you want

A d and c are 100 for connexus 6 grade

It cant be B

It cant be C
I think it is A probably not d
it might be c thougjh

I vote for D. That is certainly a harmful side effect.


Naruto again

The harmful side effect of a cold medicine that can cause you to break out in itchy hives would be option D.

If you are experiencing this side effect, it is important to stop taking the cold medicine and consult a healthcare professional. They will be able to provide guidance and potentially recommend a different medication or treatment option.

Hives, also known as urticaria, are typically itchy and raised bumps on the skin that can range in size from small dots to large patches. They are usually caused by an allergic reaction to a medication, food, or other substances. In this case, it seems like the cold medicine has triggered a hypersensitivity reaction leading to the appearance of hives.