identify the interjuntion in the following sentence.

Ouch! I just banged my shin on the table

A. Ouch! ( thus one)

B. banged

C. shin

D. on

You are confused!

lol ms sue

The correct answer is A. Ouch!.

To identify the interjection in a sentence, you need to look for words or phrases that express strong emotions or sudden reactions. In this case, "Ouch!" is the interjection because it is an exclamation that expresses pain or surprise. Interjections are usually set apart from the rest of the sentence by punctuation, such as an exclamation mark or comma. In this sentence, "Ouch!" stands alone and is followed by an exclamation mark, making it clear that it is the interjection.

correct, if you meant to identify an interjection.

I like the term "interjunction" though, since it could be used for a connecting exclamation.
