Which is correct?

I hope she gets well soon.


I hope she get well soon.

I hope she gets well soon.

the first one

The correct sentence is:

"I hope she gets well soon."

In this sentence, "gets" is the correct verb form to use with the third person singular pronoun "she."

The correct sentence is: "I hope she gets well soon."

The reason for this is because when using the verb "hope," we follow it with the base form of the verb (known as the infinitive) or the third-person singular form if the subject is a third-person singular pronoun like "she." In this case, the third-person singular form of the verb "get" is "gets," so it should be used in the sentence.

To verify this answer, you can consult a grammar guide or search for examples of sentences with similar structures to see how native English speakers use the verb "hope" followed by a third-person singular pronoun and the verb "gets."