i need help finding a picture/work of art that demonstrates the hispanic culture. i would like one that demonstrates the daily life of people, not something related to war.

Picasso painted in different styles at different times of his life:

Most were NOT about war!

Also, be sure to check on Goya:

I've seen many modern-day works by Hispanic artists who have clearly studied and been influenced by these two -- Diego Rivera, for example.

To find a picture or artwork that demonstrates the daily life of people in Hispanic culture, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by researching popular Hispanic artists or art styles that focus on depicting everyday life, such as genre painting or social realism. Some well-known Hispanic artists include Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, JoaquĆ­n Sorolla, and Fernando Botero.

2. Utilize online platforms and art galleries that feature Hispanic art collections. Websites like Google Arts & Culture, The Hispanic Society of America, or museum websites can be valuable resources for finding relevant artworks.

3. Use specific search terms related to your criteria, such as "Hispanic genre painting," "Hispanic daily life artwork," or "Hispanic cultural scenes." This will help narrow down the search results and make them more relevant to your interests.

4. Explore art databases and archives that offer extensive collections. Some examples are The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Museum of Modern Art, or The Prado Museum. These platforms often provide search functions where you can filter results by keywords, artists, or periods.

5. Take advantage of art forums or social media platforms dedicated to art appreciation. Engaging with art enthusiasts or curators can guide you toward lesser-known but culturally significant artworks that align with your interests.

6. Attend local Hispanic art exhibitions, both online or in physical galleries. These events often showcase artwork that delves into facets of Hispanic cultures and daily life. You can keep an eye on local art event listings or check the websites of nearby art galleries.

By following these steps, you will be able to discover a wide range of artwork that depicts the daily life of people in Hispanic culture, capturing the essence of their experiences beyond the context of war.