15. Which sentence contains an error in subject-verb agreement?

a. A family of squirrels live in my yard.
b. Nobody wants to go to bed early.
c. Chris and Susan live in the city.
d. A group of elephants is called a herd

5. This selection was most likely written to:
a. inform
b. persuade
c. entertain
d. express feelings

1. Which of the following text aids or features is used to organize information within an informational text?
a. diagram
b. highlighted vocabulary
c. caption
d. subheading

* Thank you so much for your help! I will respond to this post when I figure out the answer.

Can you post the answers to the whole test

I am confused

When you have answers, we'll be happy to check them. I would remind you that we have no idea what "selection" is refered to in question five.

15. A

5. A
1. D

15, yes

5, no idea
1, no

yeah, what Lili said. also, gg fortnite

I will post the answers when I get done with the test!!:]

Number 5 I picked B.

Number 1 I picked C.

15. To find the sentence that contains an error in subject-verb agreement, you need to identify any sentence where the subject and the verb do not agree in number (singular vs plural). Let's analyze each of the options:

a. A family of squirrels live in my yard.
Here, the subject "a family of squirrels" is singular, but the verb "live" is plural. This sentence has a subject-verb agreement error.

b. Nobody wants to go to bed early.
In this sentence, the subject "nobody" is singular, and the verb "wants" is also singular. The subject and verb agree in number, so there is no error.

c. Chris and Susan live in the city.
The subject "Chris and Susan" is plural, and the verb "live" is also plural. The subject and verb agree in number, so there is no error.

d. A group of elephants is called a herd.
In this sentence, the subject "a group of elephants" is singular, and the verb "is" is also singular. The subject and verb agree in number, so there is no error.

Therefore, the sentence that contains an error in subject-verb agreement is option a: A family of squirrels live in my yard.

5. To determine the purpose of the selection, you need to understand the main intent behind the writing. Consider the following:

a. inform: This purpose is used when the author wants to provide facts, knowledge, or information about a topic.

b. persuade: This purpose is used when the author wants to convince the reader to adopt a particular point of view or take a specific action.

c. entertain: This purpose is used when the author's main goal is to amuse or engage the reader.

d. express feelings: This purpose is used when the author wants to convey personal emotions or experiences.

To figure out the purpose, you can look for clues within the writing, such as the tone, the use of facts or opinions, and the author's overall intention.

Regarding the given selection, more context is needed to determine its purpose. You will need to read the selection or provide more information about the content. Once you have a better understanding of the writing, you can identify the purpose more accurately.

1. The text aids or features used to organize information within an informational text include various elements that help readers navigate and understand the content. Let's consider each option:

a. diagram: A diagram is a visual representation that helps illustrate or explain a concept or process. It can provide a visual aid to organize information.

b. highlighted vocabulary: Highlighted vocabulary refers to key terms or words that are emphasized through formatting, such as bold or italics. This technique helps draw attention to important words or concepts.

c. caption: A caption is a brief description or explanation accompanying an image or illustration. Captions are often used to provide additional information or context related to the visual element.

d. subheading: A subheading is a heading or title that divides the text into smaller sections, highlighting different topics or subtopics. Subheadings help organize the information by providing clear breaks and identifying specific areas of focus.

All of these text aids or features serve to organize information within an informational text, but the specific choice depends on the author's intention and the content's context. It's essential to consider the overall structure and purpose of the text to determine which aid or feature is most commonly used.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions or need clarification.