Draw a right triangle having hypotenuse of length 5.6cm and with one of the acute angles 30°

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To draw a right triangle with a hypotenuse of length 5.6 cm and one acute angle of 30°, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing a horizontal line segment, which will represent the base of the triangle. Label the endpoints of this line segment as points A and B.

2. From point A, draw a vertical line segment extending upwards, which will represent the height of the triangle. Label the point where this line segment intersects the horizontal line as point C.

3. Use a compass to draw an arc from point A with a radius of 5.6 cm.

4. Take the compass and place the needle on the point where the arc intersects the horizontal line segment (point B). Keeping the same radius on the compass, draw another arc that intersects the first arc.

5. Connect the two points of intersection on the arcs to form the hypotenuse of the right triangle. Label this line segment as AB.

6. Finally, draw a line segment from point C to point B. This line segment will represent one of the legs of the triangle.

You should now have a right triangle with a hypotenuse of length 5.6 cm and one acute angle measuring 30°.