A 5 hour party is being planned to start at 11:00am and will include a social time, a game, lunch, and dancing. Game time is after lunch and will last 3/4 of an hour. Social time will last 1 1/2 hours. The event will end with 1 1/2 hours of dancing. What time will the game begin?

There's not enough information to determine the time the game begins.

If lunch is at 11:00 and lasts 1 1/4 hours, then game time will begin at 12:15. However, if social time is first, and lunch is next, then the games won't begin until 1:45.

i thought something was missing too

whats 5.0 pluse o.90

what is 456 divide 912

something is missing hunn.


12:55 lunch will start at 12:55 because 3/4 of an hour is 45 min and the game is right after lunch so lunch starts first then game then sociel time then dance so therefore lunch is 1 hour and 55 min game is 45 min social time is 1 hour and 30 min and dance is 1 hour and 30 min.