-My graph shows:
Higher temperature=higher absorption rate for each temperature (best fit line)

Fluid mosaic model theory:
-Membrane composed of phospholipid bilayer
-Protein molecule float around in it
In the liquid bilayer
-Membrane particles move around
-Protein patchwork found in phospholipid Bilayer

Question:(in a paragraph)
Explain your results and the shape of your graph using theory about the fluid mosiac model!

Based on the fluid mosaic model theory, the membrane of a cell is composed of a phospholipid bilayer with proteins floating around within it. In the liquid bilayer, the membrane particles are in constant motion, and protein molecules create a patchwork within the phospholipid bilayer.

In the experiment investigating the effect of temperature on membrane permeability using beetroot, the graph shows that as the temperature increases, the absorption rate also increases. This trend can be explained by the fluid mosaic model theory.

At higher temperatures, the phospholipid bilayer becomes more fluid, meaning that its molecules have increased mobility. This increased fluidity allows the proteins within the membrane to also move more freely. As a result, the membrane becomes more permeable, allowing substances to pass through it more easily.

The higher absorption rate observed at higher temperatures can be attributed to the increased movement and flexibility of the membrane particles and proteins. This means that the beetroot cells' membranes become more permeable, leading to a higher rate of absorption of substances such as the pigment responsible for beetroot color.

Therefore, the shape of the graph, showing a positive correlation between temperature and absorption rate, aligns with the fluid mosaic model theory, as higher temperatures increase the fluidity and permeability of the membrane, resulting in higher absorption rates.